
Microlab (NTUA)

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Systems & Instrumentation

Photonics for Energy Saving, Conversion & Efficiency

Scanning, Sensing & Imaging Systems





Company/Organisation Profile

The Microprocessors Laboratory and Digital Systems Lab (MicroLab, est. 1985) specialises on the design and implementation of digital and microprocessor systems. It is an official laboratory of the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Currently, it includes 2 Professors, 7 Post-doc researchers, 12 Ph.D. students, 16 M.Sc. Students, and 1 Secretary. Microlab has an extensive background and experience in the fields of Hardware/Software co-design, DSP systems implementation, High Level Synthesis, Reconfigurable Computing, Computer Arithmetic, etc. It has participated in numerous projects (>60), including European Comission projects, e.g., EVOLVE, EXA2PRO, SDK4ED, FabSpace, Vineyard, AEGLE, HARPA, SWAN-iCARE, 2PARMA, MNEMEE, MOSART, and European Space Agency activities, e.g., SPARTAN, SEXTANT, COMPASS, HIPNOS, QUEENS-FPGA, etc. (total funding in 2008-2018 was ~ 6,35 mil.). Microlab has multiple collaborators across Europe, e.g., Maxeler, INRIA, CNRS, CERTH, Bull, FORTH, imec, GMV, KIT, KTH, Intel, Xilinx, CSEM, etc.

Innovative Products and Services

The innovation highlights of the Microprocessors Laboratory and Digital Systems Lab include:

  • embedded systems (microprocessors, multi-/many cores, FPGA, GPU, DSPs)
  • digital circuit design (VHDL, Verilog, HLS)
  • HW/SW co-design and acceleration
  • big data technologies & accelerators,
  • energy efficient datacenter services
  • heterogeneous platforms
  • Patents = 5 (4 EU, 1 USA)

Experience and Expertise

Microlab has expertise and can provide services in the following main areas: a) Design of Integrated Digital Circuits VLSI; b) SoC Design; c) Reconfigurable Architecture Design; d) Embedded Systems Memory Management; e) Software Tools for Designing FPGAs; and f) optimal memory manager design. This expertise has come from the research activities of laboratory members over the last decade with significant funding from research projects from European and national programmes.